
皇冠体育投注 will normally transfers credit from a U.S. 机构:

  • 是授予学位的机构吗 它提供了一份学术工作的成绩单.
  • 使用分级系统 评估学习.
  • Is accredited by an accreditor that has national recognition from the Council on Higher Education Accreditation, the U.S. 教育部,或者两者都有.

If you have earned credit from an institution outside the U.S., see how credit from an international institution transfers.

SPU is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), which is on par with the following nationally recognized* accreditors:  Accrediting Commission for 社区 and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) Western Association of 学校 and Colleges; Higher Learning Commission (HLC); Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE); New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE); Southern Association of Colleges and 学校 Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC); WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).

NWCCU and its peer accrediting agencies share similar standards and purposes not necessarily shared by other nationally recognized accrediting agencies. 因此, SPU applies some transfer policies to schools accredited by the organizations named above that do not apply to institutions with accreditation from other agencies. Where such differences in transfer policies exist, they will be noted in the sections below.

  • Only college-level academic courses will be transferred. 职业, 技术, and practicum/internship courses will be transferred only with faculty approval. 
  • The grade point average for your combined courses transferred 每个学校的成绩必须是C (2).0)或更高. 这意味着对于“D”的每一个等级(1.0) accepted from an institution, there must be another grade of at least “B” (3.0) or its equivalent for an equal number of credits from that school.
  • 没有低于“D”的分数(1).0) 会被任何机构录取吗.
  • 没有低于“C”的分数(2).0) 会被美国以外的学校录取吗.S., nor from any institution that does not hold accreditation from NWCCU or one of its peer accrediting agencies.
  • 最低等级 that can be applied toward a 主要的 or minor is C- (1.7).  Some 主要的s may require a higher grade in some or all classes.
  • 只上常规成绩的课程 (而不是“及格/不及格”或“学分/不学分”等.) will be applied toward requirements in 通识教育, 共同课程和探索课程, 以及你的主修和辅修. 
  • Existing Washington, Oregon, and California community college associate degree transfer agreements will be honored as they apply to 通识教育 requirements, and the University's 外语能力 requirement.
  • Transfer associate degrees earned after matriculation at SPU will not be recognized toward fulfillment of the 研究性课程, 大学核心要求, 通识教育, 或外语能力要求, 除非你参加了 反向转让协议.
  • A combined total of not more than 90 quarter credits 会被所有两年制大学录取吗, approved test programs (i.e., AP, 剑桥国际课程, CLEP, 和IB), and schools not accredited by NWCCU or one of its peer accrediting agencies.
  • 不超过45个学分 将被接受 认可的测试程序 (i.e., AP,剑桥国际,CLEP和IB).
  • 在转学中,一门课程保持相同的水平 由授予学分的学校指派.
    • 这意味着低级别的(LD)课程, 通常编号为100-299或1000-2999, 会转学到低级别课程吗, 即使课程, 在内容上, is considered equivalent to an upper-division (UD) course at SPU, 编号3000 - 4999.
  • Usually credit will be awarded without regard to the date 在它上面完成了整个课程.
    • 在一些学位课程中, especially in scientific and professional subjects, you may be required to repeat a course in order to acquire current knowledge or to refresh your knowledge.
  • 你不会获得两次学分 对于相同的课程材料.
  • Generally, credits in excess of 20 quarter credits in any one term 不会转让. This includes courses taken concurrently by media, 对应, 或者在一个以上的机构延期, 以及非学分课程. 
  • Independent study, internship, field experience, and practicum courses generally do not transfer unless an SPU faculty member, 回顾一门课程, requests that it transfer toward a specific program.
  • 学分不会被转移 旅行,生活经验,或工作经验.
  • 服兵役学分 is limited to 3 credits of physical activity awarded for basic training.
  • 要获得学位资格, you are required to earn a minimum of 45 credits in residence at SPU, including no fewer than 15 upper-division credits in your 主要的 (more, 如果由专业指定), and at least 5 credits that fulfill SPU Foundations requirements. 查看个人专业 额外的学位要求. 

皇冠体育课程如何转换的问题 to SPU (or not transferred) should be directed to your 本科学术顾问.

另请参阅 Transfer Student and SPU Rights and Responsibilities.

Policies specific to 学校 Not Accredited by NWCCU or a Peer Accrediting Organization

  • 被接受, 一门课程的成绩必须达到C (2).0)或更高. 
  • A combined total of not more than 90 quarter credits 会被所有两年制大学录取吗, 认可的考试项目(如AP), 剑桥国际课程, CLEP, 和IB), and schools not accredited by NWCCU or one of its peer accrediting agencies.
  • 课程可以申请 研究性课程, 大学的核心, 学术探究与学科写作(WRI), 外语, 主要的, or minor requirements if course content is comparable to that of SPU courses that fulfill these categories, 由指定的教员决定. 
  • 最多15个学分 在圣经研究中, 神学, or church history may be accepted by the University, 并且只能作为选修学分转移. 
  • 不得申请学分 到大学基础要求.  

Except as noted here, policies in the previous section apply.

*To be “nationally recognized” means that the institution’s accreditor has been reviewed and accepted as a national accreditor by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation or the U.S. 教育部.



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Find out how academic credits you received from other institutions and 认可的测试程序 typically transfer to SPU.